We are seeking adventurous and generous shareholders to help make our lifeboat conversion and voyage to Norway a reality, whilst raising important funds for the work of Hope Health Action (HHA) in Haiti and South Sudan.
We have split the total cost of the project (both the lifeboat purchase and conversion) into 64 shares, based on the traditional calculating of ship’s shares. Upon the sale of the lifeboat after our adventure the profit earned on your share will be donated to the work of HHA and the original value returned to you. In addition, if you are able to donate the full value of your share, this would be fantastic. Should we decide to keep the lifeboat for ourselves, we shall purchase the shares at their increased value, and the resulting profits will again go to HHA. Each half share can be exchanged for three nights accommodation aboard Stødig in Tromsø or en route, with profits still going to charity.
© Guylee Simmonds & David Schnabel 2018